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Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy :


The only personal information that we, The Firm Foundation, collect from you is your email address, name, and a photo submission.

  • The email is so we can contact you via email with various newsletters and announcements. If you need to talk to us we have your email so we can communicate back. This email will be asked for under the Testimonial, Contact, and Feedback pages. It will also be requested at the bottom of the website under the "Never Miss an Update" section.

  • Your name is used so we can know who we are talking to and for others to know who you are if you choose to become a member.

  • The photo submissions are for the pictures used in testimonials, so our viewers can see who they are reading about. You are not required to submit a photo. If you do not want your name included in the testimonial we will have it read as "anonymous." 

  • Emails will never be given to anyone other than The Firm Foundation. The Firm Foundation consists of Keri Callihan and Sierra Callihan.

  • Your name will be available to the public if you submit a testimonial request or sign up as a member. If you contact us or send in feedback then your name will not be available to the public.

  • Your email will never be available to the public.

  • Your safety is our main priority and we will do everything we can to make sure you feel comfortable and protected in our community. 


Community Guidelines:


In order to keep this a safe environment for everyone we must have guidelines. If you do not heed these guidelines there will be consequences. You have been warned.

  • No cursing at all of any kind. If you curse your comment will be removed; after a second offence you will be temporarily removed from the community. If there is a third offense you will be completely removed from the community. You may still read the content and download Bible Studies and other downloads even if you have been removed from the community. 

  • No pornography at all of any kind. On your first offence your comment will be removed; after a second offence you will be temporarily removed from the community. If there is a third offense you will be completely removed from the community. You may still read the content and download Bible Studies and other downloads even if you have been removed from the community. 

  • No verbal abuse at all of any kind. On your first offence your comment will be removed; after a second offence you will be temporarily removed from the community. If there is a third offense you will be completely removed from the community. You may still read the content and download Bible Studies and other downloads even if you have been removed from the community.

  • You must be 18 or older to become a member.


It is fine to talk about opposing views, but if it violates the guidelines above then on your first offence your comment will be removed; after a second offence you will be temporarily removed from the community. If there is a third offense you will be completely removed from the community. You may still read the content and download Bible Studies and other downloads even if you have been removed from the community.


*the community refers to membership on this site, our YouTube page, and Facebook page.




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